IWC's recommendation Data SC21173

Year: 2021
Text: The Committee recalls its previous recommendations (SC17364 and SC18169) that every possible effort be made to protect Yangtze River finless porpoises in their natural riverine and lacustrine habitat, including the identification of river and lake segments with the highest porpoise concentrations, the enforcement of yearround protection measures (including fishing bans) in those areas, and the vigorous enforcement of a basinwide prohibition of electro-fishing and other fishing activities known to threaten porpoises. The Committee recognizes the Chinese government for the progress made in implementing IWC recommendations and enacting other policies that benefit Yangtze finless porpoises and their habitat (IWC 2016: 17 p. 60) The Committee commends the People’s Republic of China for its implementation, in early 2021, of a 10-year fishing ban in the Yangtze River specifically to protect its biodiversity. This Committee reiterates its previous recommendations that (a) pollution control measures be strengthened and (b) if further modification of the natural flow regime (or other natural features) of the Yangtze ecosystem is allowed to take place, that the potential impacts are considered and mitigated for finless porpoises.
Type of Recommendation: Recommendation
Workshop Recommendation Yes
Decision Process: Report adoption
Commission Body: Scientific Committee, Sub-committee on Small Cetaceans
Endorsed by Commission?: Yes
Commission Endorsed At: IWC68
Document Reference: 2021 Scientific Committee Report
Document URL:

Implementation Data

Theme: Population assessment, Pollution, Bycatch & Entanglement
Species: Finless Porpoise
To be Actioned by: Sub-committee on Small Cetaceans, China (People's Republic Of)
Also Relevant to: Scientific Committee, Conservation Committee
Target Completion Date: n/a

Review Data

Review Meeting: SC68D
Last Reviewed: 24/08/2021
Status: Closed
Progress: Ongoing
Further Action:

Actions to be Taken

No Actions